•Claves para llevar una dieta equilibrada
Nos lanzamos a por las dietas milagro (aquellas que prometen hacernos perder 10 kilos en media hora); a por las que no son milagrosas pero nos ayudan adelgazar; a por las detox (con las que reseteamos nuestro cuerpo y expulsamos las toxinas) pero, rara vez, nos paramos a pensar en la dieta sana, saludable, aquella que no promete más que velar por tu bienestar físico y psíquico y que debería acompañarnos siempre. Sea cual sea nuestro objetivo.
¿Qué es llevar una dieta equilibrada? Exprimimos las palabras de la UNED y te damos las claves para que te rindas a ella.
Una dieta equilibrada es aquella que contiene todos los alimentos necesarios para conseguir un estado nutricional óptimo.
Es decir, aquella que te aporta una cantidad de nutrientes energéticos (calorías) suficientes para llevar a cabo los procesos metabólicos y de trabajo físico necesarios, ni más ni menos, y la que te suministra suficientes nutrientes con funciones plásticas y reguladoras (proteínas, minerales y vitaminas).
La clave de toda dieta equilibrada está en la compensación de alimentos y en la variación (no se puede disfrutar de una vida saludable comiendo solo un grupo de alimentos) y en saber repartir los nutrientes de tu ingesta: 55% hidratos de carbono (es un error creer que tienes que descartarlos de tu dieta), 30% grasas saludables y 15% de proteínas.
¿Cómo se traduce esto en nuestros platos? Los expertos de la Asociación Española de Dietética y Ciencias de la Alimentación te dan estas pautas:
>Cuando comes en casa
- Planifica tu compra antes de ir al súper y no olvides incluir alimentos básicos de todos los grupos en tu lista.
- Organiza previamente los menús diarios de la semana, elígelos variados, de forma que incluyas productos de todos los grupos.
- No abuses de alimentos ricos en grasas de origen animal.
- Elige la forma de cocinado más adecuada, hay muchas opciones: asados, a la plancha, al vapor, fritos, etc.
- Es importante no olvidarse de consumir diariamente hortalizas, frutas y lácteos.
- Para los guisos o las ensaladas utiliza preferentemente aceite de oliva o, si no fuera posible, de girasol.
>Si comes fuera de casa
- Elige un menú variado que incluya alimentos de todos los grupos básicos.
- Lo mejor es que busques un local donde sea posible elegir vegetales frescos (verduras, hortalizas, frutas).
- De postre, selecciona fruta fresca o, de vez en cuando, algún lácteo.
- Evita raciones excesivamente grandes. Es preferible dejar algo en el plato.
- No abuses de fritos, rebozados, empanados y guisos con grasas. Opta por asados, a la plancha, parrilla, vapor, etc.
Fuente: Revista Cosmopolitan, España
7 Tips to Make Fat Burning Meals
My name is Diana Keuilian, I’m the creator of Family Friendly Fat Burning Foods and today I’d like to share with you my top 7 Tips To Make Fat Burning Meals.
Wouldn't it be great if all your favorite comfort meals naturally promoted fat loss? I think that would be awesome.
My old favorite comfort meals were fried fish tacos, fully-loaded veggie burritos, angel hair pasta with mizithra cheese and cheese-smothered veggie burgers with fries. Yummmmmmmm! Unfortunately these old favorites brought on rapid fat storage.
Due to my love of food, in my twenties I went from a size 4 to a size 12.
In my frustration I tried portion control, and began to limit the amount of foods that I ate. This began a yo-yo cycle of eating less food one day, more the next, and never seeing the results I wanted.
Over the past few years I've read countless books on nutrition and have finally landed on the formula for creating meals that promote fat loss, and taste good while doing it.
Oh and this method of eating has effortlessly brought me back to that size 4 :)
This is what I discovered...
•Fat Burning Tip #1
Focus On Protein The base of a fat burning meal is a healthy serving of quality, lean protein. Choose from organic, hormone-free chicken, pork, beef, lamb, veal, fish or eggs.
No wonder I was gaining weight! Most of my favorite meals had very little to do with protein. After giving up meat at age 12, I spent the next 18 years as a junk food vegetarian. Most of my meals were made up of processed grains and sugar.
Why is protein so important? Protein supports and fuels your lean tissues, namely your muscles, and does not have an effect on blood sugar levels, which would promote fat storage.
•Fat Burning Tip #2
Ditch Grains and Refined Sugar
A fat burning meal does not contain a serving of grains or starches. Yes, I realize that this goes against everything that we have been taught or experienced with dinners. Most meals are plated with a jumbo serving of noodles, pasta, potatoes, rice, has been breaded or is served with bread, tortillas, chips or buns.
As I learned the hard way, these carbs are more than we need, and end up being stored as fat. And, yes, it is possible to create fat-burning dinners that satisfy even the hungriest meat-and-potatoes members of your family.
This was the hardest part for me to get used to. Grains and sugar are filled with fat-promoting carbs, and as you saw above, my favorite meals were all carb-ed out.
There's really no reason, other than habit, to eat grains or sugar on a regular basis. Once I removed these from my diet, and got out of the habit of eating them, I no longer craved or even found my old favorites very appealing.
•Fat Burning Tip #3
Bring On The Veggies
After you remove the grains and sugars from your meal, add a bunch of fiber-filled veggies instead. One of my favorite things to do now when building a fat burning meal is to get a bowl, add a few handfuls of organic spinach and arugula, and then top it with protein and some cooked veggies. Add a light homemade dressing and you're looking at the perfect, quick fat burning meal.
Fiber-filled veggies are important for many reasons in addition to the fiber. They are filled with nutrients, vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, all of which your body needs. They are also very low in calories compared to the amount of space that they take up in your stomach. So you'll get full faster on fewer calories.
Here’s a page where you can learn more about my Family Friendly Fat Burning Meals Program.
To be continued